After the Sno-Freighter jackknifed and caught fire, it sat for several years in a valley east of Eagle. When the Sno-Freighter was recovered, it was moved to the Bear Creek Machine Shop on the Yukon Consolidate Gold Corporation (YCGC) property. It sat for many years until it was finally moved in 1968 by Cliff Bishop and others.
You can explore the location where the Sno-Freighter called home in its present day on Google Maps with the following link –,-139.2429767,2a,75y,231.67h,88.44t,1.95r/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szmk9SNzf43EO3k4djfcT9w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656.
Thank you to Dale Hardy for sending me the Google Maps link to explore! If you navigate to the Google Maps link above, you can still see the building sign writing displaying “Bear Creek Machine Shop.”
The front bumper shows the writing “KEEP OUT PRIVATE PROPERTY Y.C.G.C.”